Activity for Charlie Brumbaugh
Type | On... | Excerpt | Status | Date |
Comment | Post #286426 |
This isn't a bad idea, it's just the cart in front of the horse. In theory, the winners of the monthly contests could be used, but I stopped bothering with those because of the rudeness as outlined here Until its worth people's time to p... (more) |
— | almost 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #284889 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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A: What is the difference between dot and pixel? In either a print job or a digital picture at the smallest level there are individual color markers, in print that is called a dot, and on a computer, it's called a pixel. The difference between the two is whether the image is physical or digital. On say a 4x6 inch picture, the more dots/pixels th... (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #283205 |
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— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #283205 | Initial revision | — | over 3 years ago |
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How much battery power does a GoPro 9 use in standby mode on a scheduled photo? I have a GoPro 9 and it has the option to wake at a specific time and take a photo/video/timelapse. However, some of the timelapses use 90% of a full battery (official GoPro model) and in the standby mode some battery is used. How much battery power does a GoPro 9 use in standby mode? (more) |
— | over 3 years ago |
Edit | Post #280971 | Nominated for promotion | — | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280971 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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How long does the time lapse interval need to be to capture shadows during the middle of the day? Shadows move faster at the beginning and end of the day, and so a time-lapse with an interval that would show movement then probably won't at the middle of the day. What should the interval be for shadow movement during the middle of the day? (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280752 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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A: Consider excluding your ‘Contests, Critique’ category from ads? Sorry but no. Contests are one of the easiest things for new members to join as all one really needs is a camera, and so I deliberately advertise them. I do think the feature request to customize the text makes sense, but I am not going to wait until then to advertise the contests. (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280725 | Nominated for promotion | — | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280725 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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2021 - February - Clouds []()Rules that are always applicable are as follows: 1. One photo per answer, and no more than 5 answers per user per contest. 2. Post only photos taken by yourself/person with you. 3. All entries should include a line of text with the location, subject, and date (specificity is up to you). ... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280581 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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A: How to align a lithophane on an 3d printer with a moving bed like the Ender 3? First, one should align the lithophane vertically as that way you have better resolution than printing flat against the bed. Secondly, they need to be aligned with long end in line with the direction the bed moves. For an Ender 3 using Cura as a slicer, this would be the y-axis. The reason for ... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280580 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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How to align a lithophane on an 3d printer with a moving bed like the Ender 3? I am going to print some lithophanes on my Ender 3, which has a moving bed. How should I align the object for the best quality? (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280323 |
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— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280500 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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When printing lithophanes with an Ender 3 Pro and a 0.4mm nozzle what is the maximum width for best resolution? Given that the difference between black and white on a 3d printed lithophane is the width of the plastic, the greater the difference between the max and the min-width the more variation of grey the lithophane will end up with. Increasing the width, however, increases the cost and print time and th... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280323 |
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— | about 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #275791 |
@fedorqui Any posts afterwards aren't going to win, but I am not going to delete or downvote them (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280323 | Nominated for promotion | — | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280323 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
Question | — |
How can I optimize pictures for making them into lithophanes? I have been 3D printing some lithophanes, and so far I have been doing so with pictures that I took a while ago. If I were to go take pictures with the purpose of turning them into lithophanes, are there types or techniques for taking pictures that will work well for that? (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #74994 | Nominated for promotion | — | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280264 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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A: Are there consumer products using Time of Flight ranging camera technology? There are a couple of cameras that use either LED or Lasers to flash the object and then build a 3d scan of the object from the return. - Garmin LIDAR-Lite Optical Distance LED Sensor - V4 - Intel RealSense LiDAR Camera L515 Both of them have a rather limited range(under 10 meters) and it look... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280237 |
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— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280237 | Nominated for promotion | — | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #280237 | Initial revision | — | about 4 years ago |
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2021 - January - Sunrises Rules that are always applicable are as follows: 1. One photo per answer, and no more than 5 answers per user per contest. 2. Post only photos taken by yourself/person with you. 3. All entries should include a line of text with the location, subject, and date (specificity is up to you). 4. ... (more) |
— | about 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #278940 | Nominated for promotion | — | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279647 |
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— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279647 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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2020 - December - Macro Photography Rules that are always applicable are as follows: 1. One photo per answer, and no more than 5 answers per user per contest. 2. Post only photos taken by yourself/person with you. 3. All entries should include a line of text with the location, subject, and date (specificity is up to you). 4. ... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #279071 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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Program to strip EXIF data from images I record the GPS locations of my pictures but for privacy and other reasons I would like to strip the EXIF data before I upload them online. Looking for a program that, - Will process multiple images at once. - Free. - Must work on Windows and would be nice if it worked on Linux too. (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #278372 |
@Razetime your theme is over on Outdoors (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #278925 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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2020 - November - Animals Rules that are always applicable are as follows: 1. One photo per answer, and no more than 5 answers per user per contest. 2. Post only photos taken by yourself/person with you. 3. All entries should include a line of text with the location, subject, and date (specificity is up to you). 4. ... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #277972 |
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— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #278916 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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What kind of software is used for creating time-lapses of 3D printers? For a lot of time-lapses of 3d printers like this one the picture is taken when the hot end is either out of the picture or in the same place so that the focus is on the object being built, not the hot end moving around? Is this effect done by the editing software or is it in the software of the p... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Comment | Post #275950 |
@Razetime Preferably Windows (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #278372 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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2020 - October - Clouds Rules that are always applicable are as follows: 1. One photo per answer, and no more than 5 answers per user per contest. 2. Post only photos taken by yourself/person with you. 3. All entries should include a line of text with the location, subject, and date (specificity is up to you). 4. ... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |
Edit | Post #277870 | Initial revision | — | over 4 years ago |
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2020 - September - Fun with perspective Rules that are always applicable are as follows: 1. One photo per answer, and no more than 5 answers per user per contest. 2. Post only photos taken by yourself/person with you. 3. All entries should include a line of text with the location, subject, and date (specificity is up to you). 4. ... (more) |
— | over 4 years ago |