Link to other Community contests?
Should we have a link or a Post in Contests to connect with the Photo Contests in
2 answers
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While there is a point in linking from SE to here, the reverse makes no sense. We want people finding this place from elsewhere. We don't want to help people go elsewhere if they happened to stumble onto this place first.
Also, as a general principle, this site needs to stand on its own. If it constantly compares itself to SE, links to SE, and imports questions from SE, it will continue to be perceived as a poor SE wannabe. For a while yet to come, comparing us to SE will only make us look bad. The best thing to do is to proceed as if SE doesn't exist.
Getting Codidact sites off the ground, absolutely, we should be cross-promoting sites as much as possible.
At some later date, when Codidact sites are established and hopefully thriving, we might want to consider if the cross-promotion leads to too much cross-posting / multi-posting in contests. But the bridge needs to exist before we can cross it in the future.
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