Post History
Location: My house (Don't want to be specific, but evergreen, San Jose) Subject: The sun and the trees surrounding it Date taken: 8/25/2020 I took this photo when I was just walking around my hous...
#2: Post edited
- I took this photo when I was just walking around my house after school :)
- Image specs:
- ```
- ISO - 100
- F-stop: f/11
- Shutter Speed: 1/4000
- ```
- I really like the image because of the silouhette effect on the trees.
- Location: My house (Don't want to be specific, but evergreen, San Jose)
- Subject: The sun and the trees surrounding it
- Date taken: 8/25/2020
- I took this photo when I was just walking around my house after school :)
- Image specs:
- ```
- ISO - 100
- F-stop: f/11
- Shutter Speed: 1/4000
- ```
- I really like the image because of the silouhette effect on the trees.
#1: Initial revision
 I took this photo when I was just walking around my house after school :) Image specs: ``` ISO - 100 F-stop: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/4000 ``` I really like the image because of the silouhette effect on the trees.