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Lunar eclipse 2018-07-27*; shot from Valencia, Spain. Nikon D5300, 70-300mm AF-S @300mm, f/5.6, 1/400 s. If I recall correctly, this was shot hand-held, or possibly with a monopod, because my heav...
#1: Initial revision
 Lunar eclipse 2018-07-27*; shot from Valencia, Spain. Nikon D5300, 70-300mm AF-S @300mm, f/5.6, 1/400 s. If I recall correctly, this was shot hand-held, or possibly with a monopod, because my heavy tripod was in use for the 1100mm lens, to which I had attached an adapter and a telescope eyepiece. \* Well, just past midnight of the 28th if the EXIF metadata is correct.